3 & 6 Stations Extension Modules for Rain Bird controller

ITRB-E ESPSM3-config

Adds up to 6 stations per extension module for your Rain Bird controller. Compatible with Rain Bird ESP-M, ESP-ME, ESP-SMT and ESP-SMTe series irrigation controllers.

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As low as USD$59.27
Product No. Manufacturer No. Stations added Surge protection Battery
ITRB-E ESPSM3 Choose this option F38200 3 Yes Lithium Choose this option
ITRB-E ESPSM6 Choose this option F38260 6 Yes Lithium Choose this option


The 3 & 6 Stations Extension Modules for Rain Bird controller works for a flexible addition to Rain Bird indoor and outdoor controllers. With an easy hotswap system (can be installed while the controller is running), you can be in total control of up to 22 stations on the Rain Bird ESP4ME3 Controller in no time.

This product also includes a self-diagnostic system for any valve or wiring problems your station may encounter while maintaining service of every other functioning sprinklers.


Works with with Rain Bird ESP-M, ESP-Me, ESP-SMT and ESP-SMTe series irrigation controllers
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