Winstrip Tray by Neversink (10 units)


Neversink Winstrip trays are used for planting seedlings.

*Now sold in 10-pack. New and revised, more durable material.

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As low as CAD$161.00
Product No. Tray Length Tray Width Depth Cell Width Cell Volume Cells Qty Weight
OUTNTWINSTRIP50X10 Choose this option 49.78 cm
24.77 cm
6.91 cm
4.06 cm
98 cm³
6 in³
50 TBD Choose this option
OUTNTWINSTRIP72X10 Choose this option 50.50 cm
25.15 cm
5.84 cm
3.30 cm
55 cm³
3.4 in³
72 3.74 lb
1.7 kg
Choose this option
OUTNTWINSTRIP128X10 Choose this option 49.78 cm
24.77 cm
4.83 cm
2.54 cm
23 cm³
1.4 in³
128 TBD Choose this option

Neversink Winstrip trays are used for planting seedlings.

Features :

  • Heavy Duty Trays
  • They are made to last several seasons.
  • Wider bottom holes to facilitate drainage
  • Stronger Roots
  • No Over watering
  • Do not dry out as easily
  • Better Plant Survival
  • Healthier with Less Disease
  • Fast to fill

Winstrip® is a registered trademark of Neversink Tools

Air Pruning

Large bottom holes not only make it easy to remove starts but combine with the side slits to air prune the roots preventing root circling. Thus Transplants can be left longer in the tray if needed. Transplants are also healthier and grow quickly when transplanted.

Heavy Duty

Each tray weighs in at over 1.7 pounds. They stack and nest for easy storage. They are made with thick UV resistant plastic of the highest quality to last for many, many years.

Wind Strips

Winstrips open cell design allows more air which creates a healthier enviroment. Each cell has vertical air spaces and strips where air can flow around each cell. This creates healthy starts with much less disease.

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