Diseases, Pests and Beneficial Organisms of Strawberry, Raspberry and Blueberry


This field guide features 700 photographs and illustrations to facilitate the monitoring and diagnostic of pest and diseases problems.

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Year : 2013

Pages : 343

ISBN : 978-2-7649-0230-1

Type : Pocket book


This field guide features 700 photographs and illustrations to facilitate the monitoring and diagnostic of pest problems of strawberry, raspberry and highbush blueberry. Although the information has particular relevance to the Quebec situation, it should be helpful for farmers and advisers of neighboring Provinces or States. It is intended to help to optimally manage pest problems in a sustainable manner. This book includes 126 descriptive entries, as well as more general crop monitoring and diagnostic information, basic concepts relative to certain insects and other organisms that may be present in berry crops, information on the phenological stages of the three types of berry crops, and a glossary.

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